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by Meta Meditation

Health & Fitness


Meditation course from Felix Pak: breathing practices, relaxation and development of concentration.T...

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Meditation course from Felix Pak: breathing practices, relaxation and development of concentration.The Meta Meditation application includes breathing exercises, attention training and activation of the energy of the spine and different parts of the brain. The author of the lectures, video lessons and practices is your mental mentor Felix Pak - the author of the Meta Meditation method, the Strength & Balance training system and the leader of the ATMA Yoga project.MAIN ADVANTAGES— A course of lectures on the properties of Universal energy.— An introductory course of meditation practices for beginners — free.— Breathing techniques for women and men: pranayama, square breathing, abdominal vacuum.— Special audio meditations with visualization and a set of sound frequencies: calm music, sounds of nature and relax music.CATEGORIES OF AUDIO MEDITATIONThree stages of guided breathing meditation are available in apps:1. Practice “Cleansing” to improve all aspects of health: relaxing muscles and correcting the functioning of internal organs, improving the quality of sleep and normalizing the respiratory system.2. Awareness exercises help tune nerve impulses at a deep level, get rid of depression, relieve stress, cope with anxiety, feel relaxation, improve concentration and develop self-analysis skills. Develop your awareness!3. Breathing practice “Liberation” allows you to tune in subtle frequency vibrations and develop synchronicity with the energy of Absolute consciousness.MANY OPPORTUNITIES— Find out how to meditate and breathe in a square to restore peace of mind if you have a panic attack.— Master each lesson to prevent panic, develop awareness and fall asleep to sleep music relaxation.— Perform breathing mindful relaxation with specially selected audio (calm music and nature sounds) to relax after a hard day, increase serotonin and prolong deep sleep.— Take relaxation lessons for beginners, and also learn how relaxation and breathe relax affect better sleep.— Save your favorite relaxation exercises and practices with guided breathe to your favorites for later viewing without the Internet or daily repetition.— Track your progress in the app for free, see which lessons in each category you have already completed and which lessons remain.— Set up push notifications and a timer to meditate at a specific time and on certain days of the week.— Keep a calendar of relax and sleep meditations in apps and complete every lesson you start.— Read quotes and thoughts of great people every day.Take care of yourself, increase serotonin, have a positive effect on your sleep and overall health by performing spiritual calming practices with relax music, listening to audio meditations on muscle relaxation to the sounds of nature, or just start meditating in silence with guided breathing.Just install breathe meditation app for free, join a modern meditation system, set a timer for “relaxation time without the Internet” and perform pranayama (breathing practice), abdominal vacuum and other techniques. Improve your physical and psychological well-being for free with developmental breathing exercises.Meta Meditation: discover new breathing practices and relaxation meditations!